Bellevue High School Class of 1969
Frequently Asked Questions

Question:  Why are we using a web site?
Answer:  The reunion committee has been searching for a way to make our reunion information more accessible.  We have been struggling with changing e-mail addresses and undeliverable snail mail - hopefully by establishing a web site, more people will "find" us.

Question:  Why do I have to pay on line using Google Checkout?
Answer:  This web site requires it.

Question:  How do I register?
Answer:  Click on the Events link on the left and follow the directions.  If you have questions, use the Contact Us link, and a member of the committee will walk you through the process.

Question:  Why do I need a user name and password?
Answer:  To insure registrants are valid alumni; eliminate commercial "mining" of the site.

Question:  Can I pay with a debit card instead of a credit card?
Answer:  Yes

Question:  What is the deadline for registering?
Answer:  July 31, 2009

Question:  If I register for one event, can I add another event at a later time?
Answer:  Sure!